The Importance of Branding
Branding is not a common topic to talk about when talking about business, but did you know that building a brand for your business is one of the most important things you can do for your business?
As a brand and marketing expert, I have seen many businesses over the years suffer from their bad marketing efforts, or none at all. Marketing involves countless efforts in branding, design, advertising, online presence, search engine marketing, and search engine optimization. Branding is everything about your business. From your logo to your website and social media efforts. Branding is tied to everything you do to market your business.
This is the digital marketing era and we need to embrace the fact that more and more people are relying on their electronic devices, especially the internet and mobile devices to make a purchase. So, when it comes to shopping what sticks in your mind as far as a product that you might be buying?
Branding Improves Recognition
Beyond a memorable logo, good branding increases the value and recognition. It provides employees direction, motivation and generates brand awareness.

What is brand awareness?
The impact your brand, company, or products make on your target audience. Consumers become familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.
If you pay attention at how the “big dogs” have been focusing on their brands, like Nike or Apple, you’ll notice the branding efforts they have done over the years. Nike has evolved to one of the most memorable and recognized brands. The Swoosh icon is all they need for you to know who they are. They are the leader in products geared toward athletes and sports in general. Apple has focused on being one of the best computers and mobile devices makers in the world. They are known for its series of personal computers, the iPod and its innovative marketing strategies for its products. Their brand is clean and sophisticated compared to its competitors.
The “Unlimited” Nike marketing campaign. They focus on the people, on you, on the athlete. You’re the one who will be purchasing their products, so why not focus on you right? Their marketing, design and most importantly their brand, is one of the best there is. Take a look at the video below to see how they inspire their audience to succeed and be successful. That is a powerful message, giving you the motivation to do it. That message is so powerful that it connect with you and the Nike brand stays in your mind.
Branding Inspires Employees
Employees need more than just work. Something to work toward is beneficial to employees. Especially when they understand the company’s mission and vision. When they connect with the company’s values and culture they feel the same pride and work towards the same goals.
Branding is something to take very seriously. It’s not about spending money on your brand, it’s about the long-term business effect it will give your business and in turn generate more brand awareness and income. It’s hard to understand how a brand works but hopefully, you’ll understand it a bit more after reading this article.
I am all about branding and helping brands succeed. I know it works. Nike and Apple are just a couple of brands that support that fact. Next time you think about what to do next about your business marketing think about your brand.
If you ever need a hand with your brand don’t hesitate to Contact Me